Voter Resources from the Steering Committee to Protect California Ballots


SOS: Hand deliver your mail-in ballot

Because of the giant mess the US Postal Service is in, we urge you to hand deliver your mail-in ballot.

• Please fill it out completely when you receive it. Be sure to sign and date the envelope. Make sure your signature is the same as the one on your registration form (and on your driver’s license or credit cards—your regular signature).

• Hand deliver it to the Registrar’s office in Norwalk, 12400 Imperial Highway, or to a voting center that offers early voting. There will be over 300 Drop Boxes throughout the county to safely return your voted ballot in this election. A list of locations will be made available 30 days before Election Day.

• You will be able to find the list here: If you use a drop box be sure that it is one of the secure ones that will be listed at this link.

• Check with to find the locations of the early voting sites and drop boxes.

• Here are some important links about voting by mail. how-to-vote-by-mail You can check your registration here

Sign up for BALLOT TRAX (https:// to track your ballot on its way to you. Learn how to return your ballot and use the VOTE BY MAIL STATUS TOOL ( to confirm that it was received and tallied.

• Please share this with everyone in your network!

Yours for a safe and accurately counted election,

Steering Commitee: Judy Alter, Chris Hays, Tom English, Rochelle Low, Darlene Little, Michael Milroy